Course Objectives:The objectives of Programming for Problem Solving Using C are
To learn about the computer systems, computing environments, developing of a computer program and Structure of a C Program
To gain knowledge of the operators, selection, control statements and repetition in C
To learn about the design concepts of arrays, strings, enumerated structure and union types and their usage.
To assimilate about pointers, dynamic memory allocation and know the significance of Preprocessor.
To assimilate about File I/O and significance of functions
Introduction to Computers: Creating and running Programs, Computer Numbering System,
Storing Integers, Storing Real Numbers
Introduction to the C Language: Background, C Programs, Identifiers, Types, Variable,
Constants, Input/output, Programming Examples, Scope, Storage Classes and Type
Structure of a C Program: Expressions Precedence and Associativity, Side Effects,
Evaluating Expressions, Type Conversion Statements, Simple Programs, Command Line
Bitwise Operators: Exact Size Integer Types, Logical Bitwise Operators, Shift Operators.
Selection & Making Decisions: Logical Data and Operators, Two Way Selection, Multiway
Selection, More Standard Functions.
Repetition: Concept of Loop, Pretest and Post-test Loops, Initialization and Updating, Event
and Counter Controlled Loops, Loops in C, Other Statements Related to Looping, Looping
Applications, Programming Examples.
Arrays: Concepts, Using Array in C, Array Application, Two Dimensional Arrays,
Multidimensional Arrays, Programming Example – Calculate Averages
Strings: String Concepts, C String, String Input / Output Functions, Arrays of Strings, String
Manipulation Functions String/ Data Conversion, A Programming Example – Morse Code
Enumerated, Structure, and Union: The Type Definition (Type def), Enumerated Types,
Structure, Unions, and Programming Application.
Pointers: Introduction, Pointers to pointers, Compatibility, L value and R value
Pointer Applications: Arrays, and Pointers, Pointer Arithmetic and Arrays, Memory
Allocation Function, Array of Pointers, Programming Application.
Processor Commands: Processor Commands.
Functions: Designing, Structured Programs, Function in C, User Defined Functions, Inter-Function Communication, Standard Functions, Passing Array to Functions, Passing Pointers
to Functions, Recursion
Text Input / Output: Files, Streams, Standard Library Input / Output Functions, Formatting
Input / Output Functions, Character Input / Output Functions
Binary Input / Output: Text versus Binary Streams, Standard Library, Functions for Files,
Converting File Type.
Text Books:
1) Programming for Problem Solving, Behrouz A. Forouzan, Richard F.Gilberg,
2) The C Programming Language, Brian W.Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, 2e, Pearson.
Reference Books:
1) Computer Fundamentals and Programming, Sumithabha Das, Mc Graw Hill.
2) Programming in C, Ashok N. Kamthane, Amit Kamthane, Pearson.
3) Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C, Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh,