Saturday, December 28, 2019


1. Write a C program to compute the perimeter and area of a rectangle with a height of 7 inches and width of 5 inches.
2. Write a program to read & display the student data using structure

1. Write a program in C to check whether a number is a prime number or not using the function.
2. Write a C program that accepts 4 integers p, q, r, s from the user where r and s are positive and p is even. If q is greater than r and s is greater than p and if the sum of r and s is greater than the sum of p and q print "Correct values", otherwise print "Wrong values".

1. Write a program in C which is a Menu-Driven Program to compute the area of the various geometrical shape.
2. Write a C program to calculate the factorial of a given number.

1. Write a program in C to display the n terms of even natural number and their sum.
2. Write a program in C to swap elements using call by reference.

1. Write a program in C to add two numbers using pointers.
2. Write a program in C to find transpose of a given matrix.

1. Write a C program to convert a string to a long integer.
2. Write a program in C for multiplication of two square Matrices.

1 comment:

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