Saturday, October 3, 2020

Unit-2 Assignments



1)    What is linked list explain the different types of linked list with examples.

2)   Define a Single linked list and describe the memory representation of single linked list with an example.

3)   Define a double linked list and describe the memory representation of double linked list with an example.

4)   Define a Circular linked list and describe the memory representation of circular linked list with an example.



1)    What is polynomial equation and describe the polynomial equation with single linked list to perform polynomial addition and multiplication.

2)   What is Sparse matrix and write the representation of sparse matrix with linked list with addition and multiplication operation

3)   What are the different types of operations performed can be performed on single linked list and demonstrate them with examples.

4)   What are the different types of operations performed can be performed on double linked list and demonstrate them with examples.

5)   What are the different types of operations performed can be performed on circular linked list and demonstrate them with examples.

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