Thursday, July 15, 2021



1)   Convert the given Decimal number (125)10  into Binary, Octal, Hexa decimal number system  

2)  Convert the given Binary number (101011)2  into Decimal, Octal, Hexa decimal number system  

3)  Convert the given Octal number (31)8  into Binary, Decimal, Hexa decimal number system  

4)  Convert the given Hexadecimal  number (19)16  into Decimal, Octal, Binary number system  

5)  Briefly explain the different types of data types

6)  Briefly explain the differences between the variable and constant with a sample programs

7)  Briefly explain different types of Storage Classes

8)  What is local scope and global scope explain with a program.

9)  What is an Expressions, and explain the  Precedence and Associativity rules with some examples

10) What is the need of Type Conversion Statements explain with examples programs

11) What is Command Line Arguments and write a program to add two numbers using command line arguments.

12)Briefly explain about the Type Qualifiers with a programming example.


1)   Briefly explain the different types of operators with examples.

2)  What are the Bitwise operators explain with examples.

3)  Briefly different types of Conditional statements with sample programs

4)  Write a Program to demonstrate the calculator with Switch Case.

5)  Briefly explain about the Pre-test loop and Post-test loops with a sample program to find the given number is Palindrome or not

6)  Demonstrate the Nested conditional statements with a program

7)  Demonstrate the Nested looping statements with a program.

8)  Briefly explain the unconditional statements Break, Continue, goto

9)  Demonstrate the shift operators with program

10)Demonstrate the use of Switch case with a program.


1)   Briefly explain different types of arrays and write a program to perform the addition of two matrices.

2)  Define string and briefly explain the different types of string manipulation functions with examples

3)  What is Enum, explain with a program.

4)  Define Type def, explain with a program.

5)  Define Structure and write program to read 3 students records and display with structures.

6)  Define Union and write program to read 3 students records and display with structures.

7)  Briefly explain about the Nested structures with a program

8)  Demonstrate the Array of Structures.

9)  Briefly explain about the differences between the Structures and Unions

10)Write a C program to demonstrate the Employee data using Unions.

11) 1.Briefly explain the following with a sample program

A) Enumeration

B) Structure

C) Union

D) Typedef



1)   Define Pointer and write a program to demonstrate the use of a pointer variable.

2)  Briefly explain different types Dynamic Memory Allocation functions.

3)  Define pointer to pointer with program

4)  What is pointer compatibility  explain with an example

5)  What is L-values, R-value demonstrate with example.

6)  Demonstrate Array of pointer with a program

7)  What is pointer to array explain with a program.

8)  Define different types Processor Commands with examples

9)  What is Macro explain with a sample program.

10)What is pointer arithmetic operation explain with example.


1)   Briefly explain different type’s functions with examples and Write a program to swap two numbers with call by reference.

2)  Briefly explain about function call by values with a program.

3)  What is inter function communication, explain with examples.

4)  Demonstrate Passing Array to Functions with a program.

5)  Demonstrate Passing Pointers to Functions with a program.

6)  Briefly explain different types of File handling functions in C

7)  What do you mean by Recursion? Write a program to find factorial of given

number using recursion.

8)  Differentiate between user defined functions and pre-defined functions. Also

explain the purpose of function prototype.

9)  Write a C program to copy the contents of one file to another file.

10)Write a C program to merge two files into a single file


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